Do you eat more when you’re alone?




Hi and happy Feel-Good Monday!

This is where we share our favorite tips, tricks, secrets, and ways to "think like a healthy person" so that you can find your own delicious path to healthy living.

"Feel-Good Mondays" are meant to help us get back into that place of feeling energized, nourished, and ready to take inspired action for the week ahead.  

During the day, I'm fine. I have my routine: client appointments, email correspondence, phone calls, exercise, yada yada.

Even though I'm "alone", I've finally mastered feeling comfortable —  and even nourished — in my day-to-day ritual and routine. If I find myself with unexpected free time (delightful!!), I have no problem filling that space with something that feels good to me (reading a good article, making myself a cup of tea, playing with the kitties, calling my mom).

Matt is usually home for dinner, and it's one of our favorite times to sit down and share the thoughts of the day together. We eat, chat, and then settle onto the couch for some good TV watching.

But last week, Matt had to stay late for a project at work. "Good luck, sweetie!", I texted him back when I heard about his plans, and went about my day as usual. No biggie.

Until nightfall. While I've completely changed my relationship with eating in huge, transformative ways over the years, there's something about nighttime that I still have to be on the lookout for. Something in me just switches.

With my usual day-to-day routine, and my evening routine with Matt, things feel normal and comfortable. But when I am unexpectedly alone in the evening, I can feel vulnerable. Restless. Alone. And those uncomfortable feelings bring me into the kitchen, looking for the foods I used to soothe myself with many years ago (pretty much anything chocolate. or salty.).

Because I've worked for many years on having a healthy, loving relationship with my body and how I feed myself, I now can recognize when these patterns pop up. And I can work on getting through the discomfort in healthier ways.

While I truly did find myself fondling chocolate bars in my pantry on that evening last week, I am also happy to say that I put them back in the closet after a quick peak and went about a different routine: I drank a glass of water. I got in touch with an old friend via email. I sat down and wrote this newsletter.

And later, when I was in a more conscious (less zombie) state, I went back for 6 chocolate covered almonds and called it a day. (Because, hey, girl's gotta have her dark chocolate!)

Developing a new relationship with food, and how we take care of our bodies, isn't about "perfection". It's not about living in a healthy-eating-bubble for the rest of our lives, feeling terrified of "failing" anytime we step outside the bubble. Rather, it's about recognizing old habits that we don't want to hold onto anymore, and lovingly finding ways to think differently. To take different action. To find new patterns to replace the old, scruffy, scraggly ones.

At Moss Wellness, we do this each and every day with our clients. One of our clients emailed me the other day and said, "The patience and realism with which you guys approach a lifestyle change is a real breath of fresh air. I never feel any judgment, just reinforcement, motivation and information. I'm not surprised, because I saw the changes you helped my wife to make, but I am still very impressed."

If you want to develop a new, loving relationship with food, now is the time. It is truly so possible for you. I promise.

Reach out to us and let us know how we can support you. We're here for you. You're not alone.


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You can feel good every day. And we are here to support you.

And the Moss Wellness Team