Feel-Good Monday: Flying Good

Welcome to Feel-Good Monday!

This is where we share our favorite tips, tricks, secrets, and ways to “think like a healthy person” so that you can find your own delicious path to healthy living.

“Feel-Good Mondays” are meant to help us get back into that place of feeling energized, nourished, and ready to take inspired action for the week ahead.

What’s on the plate for today’s FGM? Flying food. Or, to be more specific, foods I pack with me when I travel so that I can avoid — (cue ominous music) — AIRPLANE FOOD.

Here’s a secret, though — you don’t have to be flying to keep these foods on hand or in your purse. I’ve been known to carry one (or a few of these) foods in my bag when I’m spending a day away from my home or office, when I’m going to a conference, or when I simply know (or predict) that there won’t be many healthy options available for me on the road on any given day.

Here’s a photo of a snack-stash that I brought on a recent flight to Asheville, NC
— much to my husband’s delight and the stares of curious fellow passengers…

Flying Food small

What was inside my Mary Poppins-esque bag of goodies?

1) Fruit: Pick something portable and self-contained to make your life easier, like an apple, pear, or orange. I usually advise against bananas unless you’re really careful: I’ve seen a lot of “squished banana situations” in my travels. Not fun.

2) Bars: Bars can be great meal-replacements in emergency situations, or a good, hearty snack when you have a long time to go between meals. Many bars are junk food in disguise, but there a few good companies that I like. Kind Bars can be found in most airports, and they’re a good alternative to the usual junk out there. I also really like 22 Days – especially their “nut butter Buddha bars” which are high in protein and contain natural sweeteners.

3) Nuts: Nuts contain filling protein and healthy fats, and they’re so easy to carry around (they don’t need to be refrigerated and they’re easy to share!). Opt for raw or lightly toasted, and if you want to go the salty route, choose varieties that are dry-roasted with sea salt (I love Tierra Farms sea salt and onion cashews!).

4) Seaweed snacks: Salty and crunchy – that’s my favorite snack combo. These seaweed snacks do the trick, without the low-quality oils and additives/preservatives many other chip-y foods provide. They’re also a great source of trace minerals and supply a good dose of iodine. Kale chips can also work well for those salt-tooths out there (like me!).

5) Something “special”: This could be a dark chocolate bar, these raw graham bites, some dark chocolate-covered almonds, etc. This helps me pass up other less-than-healthy temptations (muffins, Biscoff cookies, m&ms) that may get offered to me while on the plane or elsewhere. By knowing I’ve got some of my favorite “sweet treats” on hand, I can easily “just say no” to some of the other stuff that I know won’t make me feel so hot.

What are your favorite healthy travel snacks?

Tell us about them – we’d love to hear from you on our FB page Like us on Facebook

You can feel good every day. And we are here to support you.





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