Dainna L., Child-Care Worker and Mother of 3 Very Picky Eaters, Hopewell Jct, NY

I joined Andrea’s program  because I had to lose weight and I wanted to get control over my hormonal eating. I had tried Weight Watchers in the past and it didn’t work – as soon as I stopped counting points, I not only gained back the weight I lost but put on even more! I used to think it was just easier to eat the packaged Weight Watchers foods than do another program or plan, but I didn’t understand that the real problem was about finding balance in my life. While working with Andrea, I not only lost weight and lowered my cholesterol but also got a handle on my severe hormonal cravings that had bothered me my whole life. I loved that Andrea created a personalized program just for me. She addressed my main problems first – hormonal eating – and then gave me the options to help keep my body in balance permanently, without just covering up the problem. Andrea was very encouraging, never judging. I’m happy to say that the changes I made in her program are life-long and I’m a healthier person because of them.