Jessica W., Entrepreneur, Brooklyn, NY

I’ve always had health problems, but they came to a head late last year with months of debilitating joint pain.  Doctors tested and couldn’t confirm Lupus, but kept referring me to new specialists. One suggested Rheumatoid Arthritis. I’m so grateful no one came to a diagnosis and got me on an unnecessary string of medication, because after editing my diet, I’m cured.

One day, Andrea suggested my joints might be affected by nightshades (the family of vegetables including eggplant, potato, and tomato) and though those vegetables happen to be some of my favorites, cutting them made the joint pain disappear. Difficult as it may be to do (at first) I can’t stress enough that incorporating Andrea’s dietary guidance into your life is essential if you want to see positive, measurable change.  What Andrea does is incredible because it has the power to be so transformative on a number of levels.  Since keeping my mind open to what might harm my body, I’ve also paid much more attention to the foods that help it, and I’ve found myself feeling more physically fit and mentally sharp than ever.