Hi there, and happy Feel-Good Monday!
This is where we share our favorite tips, tricks, secrets, and ways to “think like a healthy person” so that you can find your own delicious path to healthy living. “Feel-Good Mondays” are meant to help us get back into that place of feeling energized, nourished, and ready to take inspired action for the week ahead. I love new year’s resolutions. Any time we get an opportunity to “reset,” to reflect on what we want for ourselves, it’s an opportunity to create real transformation. I’ve been thinking about what intentions (resolutions) I want to set for the new year, and lots of stuff is bubbling up: To live more “in the moment,” and less in my head. To start each day with gratitude, positive focus, and happiness. And to finally start writing my book (that’s been living in my head for years…)! Aaack! Here are 4 of my favorite, tried-and-true ways to use the inspiration of the new year to set you on the path towards reaching your goals. Grab a notebook and get to work! 😉
1) Set your intent: I consider this the roadmap of the goal world: You have to know where you’re going in order to get there (well, you may still eventually get there without a map, but it will probably take a lot longer and require a lot more detours!). Your intent helps streamline the process. What is it that you truly would like to achieve? Once you know, write it down. This is setting your intent. 2) Visualize or write out the outcome: Once you’ve set your intent, visualize or journal about what it would feel like to achieve that goal. Let’s say you want to lose weight: How would your clothes fit? What would you look like? What would you wear to the beach? 3) Enlist the help of a loved one: Let someone you trust in on your plan. Let them know that you would like their support to help you reach your goal. If you want to improve your eating, maybe that means asking your partner to cook more vegetables. Or to cut back on the sweet treats being brought back home from the grocery store. 4) Keep track of your progress: Taking notes on your progress (or even your challenges) helps you stay focused on your goal. It helps you work around obstacles and helps you to celebrate victories, large and small.
If you want more support in reaching your health and wellness goals, I highly recommend you check out our Frustration to Food Freedom program. Registration is now open, and we’d love to support you in the new year! Learn More Here
Wishing you the best 2015 ever!!
We’d love to hear from you on our FB page You can feel good every day. And we are here to support you. And the Moss Wellness Team