Catch Your Breath – election edition

Hello and happy
Feel-Good Monday!

This is where we share our favorite tips, tricks, secrets, and ways to "think like a healthy person" so that you can find your own delicious path to healthy living.

"Feel-Good Mondays" are meant to help us get back into that place of feeling energized, nourished, and ready to take inspired action for the week ahead.


Confession: I talk a lot about feeling good, having a positive mindset, and deeply nourishing your mind and body each and every day. But our nail-biter of an election last week had me reaching for extra caffeine, sneaking in extra chocolate, going for an extra glass of wine (or two), and updating my news feed way too often. I was left exhausted by the end of the day (cue the extra caffeine) and feeling even more on edge. 

In case you were in the same boat, I am passing along the best piece of advice that I utilized last week: BREATHE. 

Are you breathing right now? I mean, really, really breathing? Deeply inhaling, thoroughly exhaling? Chances are you’re doing the minimal amount of breathing necessary to keep you alive right now, but my guess is that you're probably not taking the extremely beneficial, deep belly breaths that can reduce your stress levels, energize you, and boost your mood.

More evidence keeps coming out that shows that focused, intentional breathing can have amazing health benefits. I learned a specific, super easy breathing exercise from Dr. Andrew Weil when he taught at my nutrition school many years ago. It's called "4-7-8" breath and we've shared it with many of our clients over the years. Whenever I remember, I try to incorporate deep breathing throughout my day: a couple of these breaths when the alarm clock goes off; another few in the shower; while waiting my coffee to brew; when I'm lying in bed at night. 


You can check out Dr. Weil’s article on the health benefits of breathing, as well as instructions to do the 4-7-8 breath here: Three Breathing Exercises And Techniques.

Remember that the foods we eat also have a huge impact on our mood and anxiety levels. The extra coffees, sweets, and wines weren’t doing me any favors in the stress department right now. Blood sugar swings can lead to increased anxiety, reduced focus, and a big ol’ case of the jitters. BUT (!!) — one silver lining here is that dark chocolate can actually calm our nerves, if eaten in moderation. (Thank you, chocolate gods.)

Check out an oldie-but-goodie article (that I was featured in) in Redbook Magazine on Foods That Reduce Stress for some easy takeaways you can incorporate into your daily diet. 



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