My favorite healthy snacks for the office


Hi and happy Feel-Good Monday!

This is where we share our favorite tips, tricks, secrets, and ways to "think like a healthy person" so that you can find your own delicious path to healthy living.

"Feel-Good Mondays" are meant to help us get back into that place of feeling energized, nourished, and ready to take inspired action for the week ahead.  

In my previous life of working in television, I had an actual desk in an actual corporate office building (30 Rock, to be exact!). The LONG and unpredictable hours in the TV world meant that I would often find myself starved, trapped at my desk, and surrounded by unhealthy options (vending machine goodies, conference rooms piled with platters of cookies, brownies, and deli sandwiches).

I was that nutty coworker who kept tins of wild mackerel, jars of almond butter, and a bag of nuts in my drawer.

I kept clamshells of mixed lettuce, tubs of hummus, and baggies baby carrots in the fridge. These healthy go-to's kept me fueled on long production days and news crashes, and a deep love affair with quick, easy, healthy eating was born! 🙂

I know that not everyone is up for keeping canned fish in their file cabinet, so I was inspired to share our healthy snacks for the office list with you.

These days, one of our coaching clients is an actual office: We come in once a month and coach the entire team of employees on how to build healthier meals, have more energy, and how to avoid the usual junky snack options. We provided this snack list to the CEO, and he's excited to stock up on these options so that his employees have better options to reach for. (I think this guy is a total genius! Not only will this create better overall health for the staff, but healthier eating = clearer thinking, better productivity, and more balanced moods. Talk about a rock star team!!)

Check out our list for great options for a healthier workday.

Do you have a favorite office snack that I didn't list here? Tell us about it on our FB page.  

I love to hear from you.

You can feel good every day. And we are here to support you.