Researchers from the University of Montreal and the Universite de Yaounde in Cameroon concluded that cashew tree products (which includes the nuts, seeds, leaves, and bark) act as an anti-inflammatory for the body. Chronic inflammation in our bodies can cause many serious illnesses, from weight gain to heart disease to diabetes to cancer to Alzheimer’s disease.
The researchers also found that cashews can help prevent insulin resistance in diabetics by improving the body’s response to insulin. Not only are cashews a delicious source of health, they may also keep you happy! More research also suggests that the nuts (which are high in riboflavin, a mood-boosting B vitamin) may ward off depression. You can get the health benefits of raw cashews by throwing them into your trail mix, or try cashew butter — it’s delicious, slightly sweet and tastes amazing on everything from apples to stir-fries!