Healthy Snack List




·       apples (great with a tablespoon of almond, cashew, or peanut butter, or simply sprinkled with cinnamon)

·       grapes (good frozen as well)

·       plain popcorn: use coconut oil or olive oil to pop in a covered pan. Lesser Evil Himalayan Salt or Bjorn Corn are good store-bought brands)

·       “Dang” or “Blue Monkey” coconut chips (unsweetened)

·       crunchy crudités of veggies and dip (hummus, tahini, vinaigrette, favorite dressing)

·       celery and natural almond, cashew, or peanut butter

·       hummus with healthy crackers

·       raw or dry-toasted nuts (cashews, walnuts, almonds, etc. Serving size is around 12-15 nuts)

·       “Mary’s Gone Crackers” or Simple Mills brand of crackers





·       fresh, whole fruit

·       organic yogurt and berries

·       apples and almond butter or apples with cinnamon sprinkled on top

·       frozen yogurt: freeze your own!

·       small amount of dried fruit, like apricots or dates

·       1/2 of a Larabar, Kind Bar, Aloha Bar, or “That’s it” bar

·       healthy smoothies: mix whatever you have in the kitchen: fruit, ice, almond milk, yogurt, cocoa powder, etc.

·       sweet vegetables: yams, sweet potatoes, squashes (acorn, butternut, kabocha) cut into chunks; sprinkle with cinnamon and bake

·       SOLELY brand fruit “jerky”

·       organic dark chocolate (Hu Kitchen brand is one of my favorites)

·       sauerkraut (yes, this actually works for sweet cravings!)





·       olives

·       pickles and pickled vegetables, such as carrot or beets

·       hummus with cut veggies

·       canned or smoked fish: trout, wild salmon, mackerel, oysters and sardines

·       tortilla chips and salsa or guacamole: try whole grain chips such as “Garden of Eatin” brand or “Real Food From the Ground Up” cauliflower chips or pretzels

·       Simple Mills crackers

·       sauerkraut: it will also knock your sweet craving right out!

·       fresh lime or lemon juice as seasoning or in club soda

·       salted edamame

·       seaweed snacks (I like “SeaSnax” brand)

·       dry-roasted, sea salted nuts (Whole Foods 365 brand is a good, easy option)





·       smoothies

·       yogurt (I love Lavva or CocoJune, both are dairy-free and unsweetened)

·       avocados or guacamole

·       banana “soft serve”: peel a banana, freeze, blend in food processor for several minutes until soft and creamy

·       dips and spreads, like hummus and baba ghanoush

·       puréed soups

·       chia pudding or “Chia Pod”, sold in health food stores

·       mashed sweet potatoes or pureed butternut squash soup

·       coconut milk (use in smoothies, in hot beverages, or in healthier puddings)