My Gift to You: Your (Free) Healthy Holiday Guide!

Hello and happy
Feel-Good Monday!

This is where we share our favorite tips, tricks, secrets, and ways to "think like a healthy person" so that you can find your own delicious path to healthy living.

"Feel-Good Mondays" are meant to help us get back into that place of feeling energized, nourished, and ready to take inspired action for the week ahead.


Do you feel bloated, fatigued, and out-of-control by mid-December?

This time of year, it's all about finding balance.

In between all of the holiday parties, Christmas cookies, Chanukah latkes, and cups of good cheer (aka egg nog, champagne, and all things naughty and nice), it can feel like we're on the edge of a nutritional avalanche.

How do we balance those nostalgic cravings with our healthier intentions?

Answer: By making very conscious choices. 

I am all for good cheer, as our clients know.

It's not about deprivation and restriction.

It's about creating conscious choices for yourself about what's worth it.

My mom's latkes? Um, heck yeah!!

The box of sugary milk chocolates from a very sweet neighbor? Just not my thing – so I let those go.

By making intentional, conscious choices — day by day, moment by moment — we can create big, lasting impact in our lives (and our waistlines!). 

If you're looking for immediate help (ie: an action plan!) to the holiday-overwhelm, check out my holiday gift for you this year:

Download your free "Healthy Holiday Game Plan", my present to you that's filled with tips for staying healthy during this indulgent season and brimming with healthy holiday recipes.

This guide is filled with my top strategies for healthy holiday-party mingling, how to keep your immune system up and running, and delicious recipes for healthier holiday favorites!

Wishing you so much joy, fun, and deep nourishment this holiday season.

With love,

P.S. How do you find balance during the holidays? – We’d love to hear from you on Instagram or Facebook

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