Nutrition hacks for tired parents

Hello and happy
Feel-Good Monday!

This is where we share our favorite tips, tricks, secrets, and ways to "think like a healthy person" so that you can find your own delicious path to healthy living.

"Feel-Good Mondays" are meant to help us get back into that place of feeling energized, nourished, and ready to take inspired action for the week ahead.


I am the mother of a rocket-fueled 3-year old boy. So, um, yeah – I know a thing or two when it comes to trying to maintain your stamina in the face of a CRAZY CREATURE WHO HAS CONSTANT ENERGY.

Rye in his natural habitat

My friend Hadley Seward, certified sleep consultant and founder of the amazing Bonne Nuit Baby, had asked me for energy tips to share with her tired mamas and papas out there.
Whether you’re a new mom or the dad to a bouncy six-year old, check out my list of things you can start doing right now to boost energy levels STAT.

Choose natural sweeteners. When those L-O-N-G mama days happen, the most appealing thing in the world is a chocolate croissant. Or three. The quick hit of sugar can feel like an instant energy boost… until your blood sugar levels plummet, leaving you more fatigued than before. Opt for treats that use more gentle sweeteners like coconut sugar, maple syrup, or honey when you can. Even a simple banana topped with nut butter and honey can make for a great, sweet energy booster. I’m a huge fan of these BuckWHAT! Noshes (simply sweetened with dates) for a healthy afternoon pick-me-up.

Caffeinate! But opt for espresso over multiple cups of drip coffee. Contrary to popular belief, a double shot of espresso actually contains less caffeine than a 6 or 8-oz cup of drip coffee. And drinking multiple cups of drip coffee per day can leave you actually more tired (but wired) and jittery. So opt for an espresso or a cappuccino in place of a large cup of coffee. You’ll get a gentler caffeine boost without the same drop in energy levels later.  

Complex carbs FTW. Plantains, quinoa, lentils, and sweet potatoes are your friends. Choose these complex carbohydrates for balanced, steady energy throughout the day. Bonus points for pairing complex carbs with healthy fats (think high quality butter, avocado, olive oil, nuts, seeds, tahini, and coconut milk/oil) for even more regulated energy. Complex carbohydrates also naturally boost our serotonin levels, which helps us fall asleep (and stay asleep) more easily. They also help boost our mood.

Magnesium, the relaxation mineral. Magnesium is a wonder mineral and can do everything from help stagnant digestion (read: constipation) to loosen tight and achy muscles to help us fall asleep more efficiently. Essentially, it’s a mother’s bestie! While you can (and should) get magnesium from your food (grains, nuts, garlic, seafood) you can also consider supplementing. 400 mg of magnesium citrate is a good place to start. Magnesium glycinate is recommended for those with sensitive stomachs. [If you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, you know the drill–check with your doctor first].

Keep blood sugar levels steady.  Stabilize energy levels and keep your mood in a good place by eating every couple of hours (this is especially the case if you are nursing!). Going too long between meals can make you feel lightheaded, cranky, and headachy. Same deal with water: a dehydrated parent is an exhausted one. Keep a big water bottle next to you and fill up often.

We love supporting parents in our practice. A healthy child starts with a healthy parent! Reach out if you feel ready to jumpstart a healthier spring and bring some self-care back into your life. We’d love to hear from you!

With love,

P.S. What do you do to naturally boost energy levels on those L-O-N-G childcare days? Tell me your favorite go-to-tips on our FB or Instagram page!

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