Staying healthy goes beyond washing your hands

Hello and happy
Feel-Good Monday!

This is where we share our favorite tips, tricks, secrets, and ways to "think like a healthy person" so that you can find your own delicious path to healthy living.

"Feel-Good Mondays" are meant to help us get back into that place of feeling energized, nourished, and ready to take inspired action for the week ahead.


In the midst of the Coronavirus pandemonium, there’s been a lot of talk about the best ways to stay healthy, prevent infection, and protect others from contracting the virus. We all know the drill by now: Regularly use hand sanitizer. Constantly wash your hands. Don’t even think about touching your face!

And while I certainly agree that washing off potential germs (and avoiding the spread of them) is a great idea, hand washing/sanitizing is only one part of the solution when it comes to maintaining a strong immune system and staying well. 

The food we feed our bodies — and the thoughts we think — affect our immune system just as much as the germs we come into contact with (even more so, I’d argue!).

A strong, healthy, vibrant body and mind is created by the choices we make each day (and the choices we made months and years ago, too).

Staying well isn’t about never coming down with an illness. It’s about how quickly we bounce back and recover, physically and mentally. It’s about being able to maintain (or frequently return back to) a positive attitude and mindset, no matter what we’re experiencing in the moment.

At one point or another, we’ll all come down with a cold or virus or illness. How we take care of ourselves now, in this moment, day by day, will determine how quickly and easily we recover.

These are the top immune-boosting strategies that we share with our clients in our practice.

These tips will do more than help you fight off your next infection: They’ll support your body to be more in balance, for your mind to find more peace and ease, and for you to experience better sleep, improved energy levels, and a boosted mood!

Eat your veggies. Vegetables are packed with nutrients, which act as natural immune-builders. Dark leafy greens and cruciferous veggies are nature's natural detoxers and help pull toxins out of our system, keeping us much healthier. 

Garlic. Garlic is an extremely powerful antiviral/antibacterial agent. If you feel a cold coming on: chop up a clove and swallow it like little pills with some juice or water. You won’t get the garlic breath you would from chewing it, but you’ll get the antiviral benefits. It works! 

Good Bacteria. Probiotics help with digestion and keep our system running smoothly by providing us with healthy bacteria. Probiotics are found in supplements, such as probiotic capsules, and also in cultured, fermented foods like real pickles, yogurt, sauerkraut, and miso soup.

Move. Get in some movement every day — even 10 minutes counts. Whether it's walking or a trip to the gym or yoga class, exercise keeps everything circulating properly and keeps you healthier in turn. 

Vitamin D. Many of us get vitamin D deficient during cold and flu season, due to lack of sun exposure. Consider supplementing: 2000 IUs is a good place to start. Without enough vitamin D in our body, the immune system can suffer dramatically.
Detox your liver. A natural liver detoxer for overindulgence and excess alcohol is hot water with fresh-squeezed lemon juice, which helps boost our liver's functioning and draws out unwanted toxins. 

Hydrate. Be sure to take in good amounts of water each day to keep your immune system (and every system!) running smoothly. Eight 8-ounce glasses is a good place to start, but depending on your levels of physical activity, you may need to up it from there.  

Relax and sleep. Stress impacts our immunity. Do your best to prioritize sleep whenever possible. Get in relaxing, meditative activities whenever and however you can. Breathe. Spend time with loved ones. Set boundaries. 

Don't forget your zinc: Zinc is an important mineral that we need to help keep our immunity. Low levels of zinc can lead to a depressed immune system and low energy. If you have IBS, take birth control pills, have been on a course of antibiotics recently, or take antacids regularly, chances are your body is low in zinc. Reach for zinc-rich foods like pumpkin seeds, spinach, grass-fed beef or lamb, broccoli, collards, mustard greens, oysters, and shrimp to boost your intake. And consider supplementing with 20 mg of zinc per day to bring your levels up. 


If you are already sick: 

Follow the protocol above and consider adding in one or more of these strategies: 

  1. Vitamin C. We recommend about 2000mg/day when you’re sick, in divided doses. 
  2. Wellness Formula by Source Naturals. This is a great immune booster that really helps give the body some extra healing support. 
  3. See your acupuncturist. Chinese herbs, when properly prescribed, can work wonders. 
  4. Astragalus. This is a fantastic immune-boosting herb that works best when taken in short doses (not more than 2-3 months at a time, so only take it when you feel your immune system needs extra support). Take 3-4 grams per day when sick, or daily to boost immune system through winter. 
  5. Dr Schulze's C&F Herbal "Shots”. These liquid herbal “shots” are not for the weak of heart (and they’re quite pricey), but we’ve found them helpful in fighting off colds. I like to keep a container of this around to use when my body needs some serious immune support and my usual go-to’s just won’t cut it!


We're here to support you.


P.S. How are you preparing? I’d love to hear from you on Facebook or Instagram! 


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