What to eat (and slather on your face) for gorgeous skin

Hello and happy
Feel-Good Monday!

This is where we share our favorite tips, tricks, secrets, and ways to "think like a healthy person" so that you can find your own delicious path to healthy living.

"Feel-Good Mondays" are meant to help us get back into that place of feeling energized, nourished, and ready to take inspired action for the week ahead.


Last Friday I got to chat with one of my favorite skincare gurus on the planet, the brilliant celebrity-skincare expert Cecilia Wong! What a treat!! Cecilia uses minimally invasive (and incredibly effective) treatments and her own amazing natural skincare line to help her clients get the glow for New York City’s red-carpet events, runway shows, and press appearances. 

If you missed our chat, you can catch our video series here from a few years ago, where we talk about easy, effective at-home skin masks you can make: Botox Alternatives Series.

I felt so lucky to spend some time with Cecilia and share our get-the-glow secrets together (I talked about foods to eat for glowing skin, and Cecilia shared her favorite DIY skin masks that we can make with kitchen ingredients!!). 

Cecilia and I both have the same skincare philosophy: Glowing skin comes from the inside out. We can’t expect to have radiant skin if we’re stuffing our body full of excess sugar, alcohol, caffeine, and junk food.

So, first things first: Eat a veggie-rich, balanced diet. From there, use clean, chemical-free, natural products that support your body’s ability to heal, thrive, and glow.

And then you can seek treatments from skincare professionals that help to gently, effectively buff that skin into a polished glow! (Cecilia uses microcurrent therapy and minimally-invasive, leading edge treatments to get her clients camera-ready skin.)

Read on for skin-foods that I talked about in last week’s conversation: 

Boost gut health: Glowing skin starts here. There’s a huge connection between your gut and good skin. Healthy gut flora is necessary for proper absorption of nutrients in our food, for avoiding and/or healing from food sensitivities, and for a healthy immune system (which can help reduce avoid eczema and rashes). Eat fermented foods like yogurt, pickled veggies, kimchi, miso soup, or drink kombucha or kvass. Consider taking probiotics for an extra gut boost.

Fruits and vegetables: Duh! Antioxidant-rich foods are necessary for preventing wrinkles, providing a little natural, built-in sun protection, and boosting skin elasticity. Eat veggies and fruits however and whenever you can! Make smoothies, snack on fruits, roast a batch of veggies to have with meals throughout the week, or sauté some kale or spinach as an antioxidant-rich side dish.

Cruciferous veggies: This family of veggies (like brussels sprouts, kale, broccoli, cauliflower, bok choy, etc) contain sulfuric compounds that naturally support the liver to detox, and they’re packed with wrinkle-fighting antioxidants. I’ve been eating these like they’re candy at our house!

Hydration: Water is key for dewy skin. Drink it. Drink a lot of it. Also consider sipping on bone broth, which helps naturally boost skin collagen. The amino acids and nutrients in bone broth can also help heal a leaky gut (remember the gut-skin connection!). Instead of sipping on another cup of coffee, considering trying matcha. Matcha is ground green tea leaves that are absolutely packed with skin-boosting antioxidants. Matcha also contains the relaxing amino acid l-theanine, which helps us feel more relaxed and calmer. (Who wouldn’t like more calm right around now?!)

Sending you much love from Brooklyn,

With love,

P.S. What are your skincare secrets? Tell us about them!


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