I’ve been cleansing for 13 days. And I feel GOOD!!!!


Hi and happy Feel-Good Monday!

This is where we share our favorite tips, tricks, secrets, and ways to "think like a healthy person" so that you can find your own delicious path to healthy living.

"Feel-Good Mondays" are meant to help us get back into that place of feeling energized, nourished, and ready to take inspired action for the week ahead.  

Last week I announced that I would be spending the next 30 days giving myself the “gift” of cleansing for my 40th birthday (which, by the way, is in June – but I’m a planner).

I’ve spent the past two weeks cutting out dairy, sugar, gluten, alcohol, grains, and legumes. I’ve been focusing on healthy fats and healthy proteins, lots of veggies and fruits, water and teas. And yes – I’m still having a daily cup of coffee or two!!  (I’m the mom to a toddler, after all…cut me some slack.)

What I’ve LOVED so far about these two weeks of clean eating is the refocusing of self-care on myself. After almost two years of being a mom, and pouring my energy and care onto our baby boy, I felt so ready to prioritize my own well-being again.


A healthy baby starts with a healthy parent, so I also felt inspired to do this cleanse knowing that when I feel healthier (i.e.: more energized, brighter, clearer, more balanced, grounded, and focused), that positive energy radiates out to our entire family. It can be hard to remember that at times when I’m exhausted at day’s end, and the couch (and a cocktail) are calling my name, and the last thing I feel like doing is cooking a meal from scratch. But after spending the last two weeks doing this personal reset, I’ve reconnected with how GOOD it feels to take great care of myself. It’s pretty awesome.

Yes, I’ve had to spend A LOT more time in the kitchen than I had been over these past 20 months of being a mommy, but I’m experiencing more energy (and inspiration!) to do so than I had when takeout was regularly gracing our table.

I’ll always love dining out, and I’ll always love a handcrafted margarita (seriously – my husband makes the world’s best margaritas). But it’s been a wonderful shift to refocus my commitment to clean eating and my own well-being and cut out those foods for a while.

What do you want to commit to this week to prioritize your own well-being?

What can you do to bring more peace of mind, energy, and balance to your week?

Let’s kick off mid-March with some spring (and dark leafy greens!) in our step!


With love,